M7DF CM7 COVID-19 Guideline For 2023
We have developed a COVID-19 infection prevention plan for the summer season at Camp Mark Seven (CM7). This plan has been created to provide clear guidance on our procedures to carry out a successful camp. This document will be updated with additional policies as we continue to receive guidance from the New York State Department of Health, Herkimer County Department of Health, and the Centers for Disease Control.
CM7 employees, volunteers and campers must comply with all required CM7 Safety Plan protocols related to COVID-19. As we enter this next phase of the pandemic, our goal remains the same – to protect the health and welfare of the CM7 community and those around us. Detailed guidelines are as follows.
Requirements for all CM7 Participants
- Participants are required to be fully vaccinated prior to arrival. Individuals are considered fully vaccinated:
- two weeks after their second dose in a 2-dose series (such as the Pfizer or Moderna vaccines); or
- two weeks after a single-dose vaccine (such as Johnson & Johnson’s Janssen vaccine)
All adults and children who will be coming into contact with our program (including by dropping off campers and/or their property and/or entering Camp Mark 7 for any reason) should take their temperature prior to leaving their home. If the temperature of anyone in the family is of 100.4F or higher, we ask that you stay home.
- We highly recommend that all participants regardless of immunization status obtain a COVID-19 test within 72 hours before coming to the campground. If participant’s COVID test is positive that attendee may not come to campground until they have isolated for the proper amount of time, as determined by their local health officials.
- All staff and campers are required to show proof of vaccination by showing vaccination cards to the Nurse/Camp Director.
- Obtain health insurance with adequate coverage in the Old Forge/Utica area. Participants are responsible for any costs associated with medical care including COVID testing and treatment. Please keep in mind that the cost may differ based on participating providers. Typically if they have insurance, they would be covered wherever they go, but we cannot guarantee this and it is your responsibility to obtain that information from your insurer. Bear in mind the cost may differ based on your health insurer’s participating providers and insurance policy provisions.
- As a precaution, everyone should bring their own masks just in case. CM7 will provide extra ones if needed. Masks should fit properly and cover both the nose and mouth. At the present time, we anticipate that campers will not be required to wear masks while outdoors. However, if anyone exhibits symptoms, they will be required to wear masks indoor. Parents who elect for their child to be masked at all times may request that from Administration. Staff will then endeavor to ensure that your child will always be masked while at camp at all times, but this requires your child’s cooperation. CM7 will provide a replacement mask to campers should they lose theirs.
- Masks are required to always be worn in the Infirmary building.
- Everyone will be required to practice enhanced hand-washing and health infection prevention practices.
- All campers and staff are asked to not attend camp if they are ill. The camp reserves the right to not admit those that arrive at camp sick or exhibiting symptoms of Covid-19 even if they have been vaccinated.
- Everyone must Self-monitor for any symptoms related to COVID-19 before circulating on campground every day. These symptoms are based on CDC guidance and currently include:
• Fever or chills
• Cough
• Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing
• Fatigue
• Muscle or body aches
• Headache
• New loss of taste or smell
• Sore throat
• Congestion or runny nose
• Nausea or vomiting
• Diarrhea
Cleaning Protocol
For the safety and protection of all participants, our cleaning and maintenance practices will continue to be maintained at the highest standard throughout the property. Staff will be tasked with cleaning and sanitization as their essential role by disinfecting doorknobs, handles, and sport equipment and any other public touch-points in camp. Staff will increase the frequency by using upgraded supplies and disinfectants to comply with CDC guidelines.
Building & Visitor Policy
Due to the current CDC and NYDOH guidelines, this summer, visitors will not be allowed.
Signs of COVID-19 & Possible Infection During Camp
In the event a child feels ill or shows symptoms of illness during camp hours, staff will coordinate an immediate response. The child will be taken to a sick room. Parents will receive immediate notifications by phone call or email by the Camp Nurse/Camp Director. Possible infections/sick campers will be required to quarantine in the sick room for up to five days per CDC guidelines. A negative COVID test is required before returning to camp activities. Parents have the right to arrange for pick-up of a sick child as needed. No refunds will be made if a camper gets infected with COVID-19.
If at any point in time, a participant begins showing signs of COVID-19, they must notify the camp nurse or the camp director ASAP, wear a mask, go to their assigned residence immediately, comply with all restrictions, including quarantine, as specified by the Camp Nurse, and/or Camp Director and obtain medical assistance, including, if necessary, a test for COVID-19.
CM7 will provide COVID-19 testing as long as there are enough supplies. Utica, NY has several urgent care centers that campers and staff may visit for COVID-19 testing. One such provider is:
WellNow Urgent Care
1904 Genesee St.
Utica, NY 13502
(315) 275-3067
Requirements for isolation and quarantine as determined by the Herkimer County, NY
Department of Public Health and/or the Camp Nurse and/or the Camp Director must be followed.
If a participant becomes symptomatic or has been exposed to COVD-19, the
CM7 Ready team will:
- Help the participant arrange medical care at one of the urgent care locations in Utica, NY area including arrangements for a COVID-19 test if required.
- Arrange transportation to and from a facility if needed.
- Arrange for the participant to stay in a quarantined area.
If a participant tests positive for COVID-19, they:
1. Must immediately inform the CM7 nurse and CM7 director.
2. Will be moved to an isolation room.
3. Must comply with the mandated isolation timeline.
4. Will have meals delivered to their room.
5. Should monitor their symptoms. If in need of additional medical assistance, they should contact an Urgent Care Center or 911 if required.
6. Could be contacted by Herkimer County NY Department of Public Health for contact tracing/notification.
7. Will be required to leave Camp if they fail to comply with these requirements.
CM7 has signed and affirmed with the New York State its compliance of all Department of Health Guidelines.
If you have any questions or concerns regarding COVID, please send your inquiries to:CM7COVIDTeam@campmark7.org
Updated: June 20, 2022