KODA Campership Application for Persons of Color 2025
KODA Campership Application for Person of Color
Sponsored by Mark Seven Deaf Foundation
For two full KODA camp tuition (total value of each tuition $1,325)
Applicable to 2025 Youth or Teen KODA camp
*Parent/Guardian/Family member pay the $200 non-refundable deposit at time of registration
To be considered for the merit-based campership, the student should meet all of the following criteria:
- Must be a KODA and Person of Color (Ages 9 – 16)*
- Must have at least one birth parent or member of family (aunt, uncle, or grandparent) who is a member of one of the following groups: Black/African American, Hispanic/Latino American, Native NorthAmerican, Asian American, Pacific Islander or any other multi-racial group
- Must have at least one family member (or guardian, adoptive parent) who is deaf or hard-of-hearing
- Demonstrates good citizenship and is involved in school activities. *
- Has never attended Camp Mark Seven.
- Submit a one page essay or ASL video (up to 2 minutes) stating why he/she/they desires to attend the KODA Camp at CM7 and explain why.
Application deadline is March 1, 2025.
Submit completed application form online here.
Questions? Email Campership Committee at M7DFtreasurer@campmark7.org
* Students may provide documentation for proof of residency for #1, and teachers can provide a letter of recommendation for the student for #2.
Selection of the student/child to receive the Camperships will be made by the Mark Seven Deaf Foundation (M7DF) Board or a duly appointed Committee thereof. Such decision by the Board or Committee is in the sole discretion of M7DF and is final.