2017 CM7 Summer Program Schedule and Tuition
Hello! Happy 2017! New year! What does it mean? It means that the summer is coming up soon within 6 months!
I will be explaining about CM7 registration for this summer. There are a few important things to know about.
There are two different registration dates: Sunday, January 8th 12 PM EST for both KODA Children and KODA Youth programs. The next registration date, Sunday, January 15th 12 PM EST is for all other programs such as: Deaf Children, Deaf Film Camp, ASL Week, Catholic Family Week, and so on. Here’s what it looks like (showing a PDF of the dates with programs). Next Sunday, January 8th, is specifically for KODA programs only. And in two weeks Sunday, January 15th, registration opens for all other programs.
How do you register? I’ll show you (showing Camp Mark 7 website: www.campmark7.org). Go to our CM7 website. See our “Register for 2017 Summer” green button? Click on that and you will see the Active website showing three different programs. Right now, the programs/registration is not open – it will open at the right time.
It’s important that on Sunday you go to our CM7 website and click “Register for 2017 Summer”. You will see that Active page, but on the actual registration day, you will see this webpage with the “VIEW” button. Click on that and proceed. Now, let’s take a step back.
See, our registration is run through a program called Active (www.active.com). It’s important that you have an account already with www.active.com. For those who already registered last year, two years ago, or three years ago, you should already be familiar with this system. However, double check your account (email address and password) via www.active.com. Do check in via “Sign In” and double check your email address/password. Once you’re all set, then you are ready to go on registration day.
For new families/new campers who have not registered through www.active.com, you have two choices:
1. Go ahead and sign up for a new account with Active or
2. On Registration Day, go ahead and proceed with the form. That registration will ask you for your email address and password to set up an Active account.
It’s important that you double check your Active.com account. Active will open the registration at 12 PM EST for KODA Children and KODA Youth programs on Sunday, January 8th.
Good luck and hope to see you this summer!
Please mark your calendars! KODA Registration: Sunday, January 8, 2017 at 12 noon EST KODA PROGRAMS ARE NOW FULL. You can still add your child to the wait list. Registration for ALL other programs (Deaf Film Camp, Deaf Children Camp, ASL/Deaf Culture, Catholic Family Week, ASL Family Week (NEW), Active Adults 50 plus, and Bible Week) will be on Sunday, January 15, 2017 at 12 noon EST Please view the video to learn more about CM7's registration instructions.