Deaf STEM Campership Application
To be considered for the merit-based campership, the student should meet all of the following criteria:
1) Must be Deaf or Hard of Hearing
2) Demonstrates good citizenship and is involved in school activities. *
3) Maintains good academic standing. *
4) Has never attended Camp Mark Seven.
5) Submit a short essay (between 200 - 250 words) stating why he/she desires to attend the Deaf STEM Camp at CM7 and explain why.
Application deadline is June 15, 2019
Submit completed application form to Campership Committee via email:
Students may provide documentation for proof of residency for #1. Teachers can provide a letter of recommendation for the student for #2, and copy of the student's recent report card for #3.
Selection of the student/child to receive the Camperships will be made by the Mark Seven Deaf Foundation (M7DF) Board or a duly appointed Committee thereof. Such decision by the Board or Committee is in the sole discretion of M7DF and is final.