Announcement from M7DF and CM7 about cancellation of 2020 Summer Camp Programs due to Coronavirus Pandemic
Special Announcement regarding CM7 Summer 2020 Camp from Board Chair, Kim Kurz
Hello! I am Kim Kurz, chair of the Board of Directors of the Mark Seven Deaf Foundation
The Board of Directors of the Mark Seven Deaf Foundation and the management of Camp Mark 7 have been closely following the developments in New York and throughout the country arising out of the Covid-19 pandemic. While there are varying opinions as to how long this pandemic will last, the one certainty is that there is so little known about this virus, that no one can say with any reasonable degree of assurance that the pandemic will be over by the start of the 2020 Summer Camp season.
For this reason, the members of the Foundation Board and CM7 management met today and after much discussion and careful consultation of all information available about Covid-19, we have made a very difficult decision to cancel all of our summer programs for 2020. This unanimous decision of all involved most difficult in that it will be the first time in the history of CM7 that we will be unable to offer summer camp programs to our deaf, hard of hearing and KODA campers.
We have made this decision in the belief that it is the best way to protect the health and safety of everyone in our CM7 community- our campers, parents, staff and the Old Forge community during this unprecedented situation. In making this decision at this time, we have also taken into consideration the need for the families of our campers to make alternative plans for the summer. We are devastated that we are not able to host summer programs at CM7 for our campers during the 2020 season, but we are confident it’s the right decision based on the information we have today.
Message from CM7 Camp Director, Dave Staehle regarding refund policy
Because our summer programs have been canceled, you will be receiving a full refund of all monies paid for the 2020 summer programs including the deposit paid at registration which is generally non-refundable. A full refund will be issued within the next few weeks.
We thank everyone for your patience during this difficult time. We look forward to serving you again for summer of 2021. Please do remain in touch with CM7 updates through our website and Facebook page, “Mark Seven Deaf Foundation, Inc Camp Mark Seven.”
Please stay healthy and safe.
Thank you and God bless you all.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
The safety and welfare of our campers, counselors, staff and family is Camp Mark Seven’s top priority. CM7 and its 2020 summer camp programs are cancelled and will be closed this summer due to the Coronavirus pandemic. Please refer to the ASL version of M7DF/CM7’s announcement here.
We are getting questions from our CM7 family. Below are answers to some of the most frequently asked questions. We will be adding frequently asked questions to this page as they come up. If you have a question, please email or call 1-315-207-5706.
We thank everyone for your understanding and patience. We look forward to serving you again for summer of 2021. Please do remain in touch with CM7 updates through our website and Facebook page, “Mark Seven Deaf Foundation, Inc Camp Mark Seven.”
Please stay healthy and be safe.
Will I get a refund including my deposit?
You will be receiving a full refund of all monies paid for the 2020 summer programs including the deposit paid at registration which is generally non-refundable.
Full refunds will be issued within the next few weeks in the form of checks to the parent/guardian and the mailing address in which it was registered during the online registration process. Any additional refund-related questions may be emailed to the Camp Director, Dave Staehle at
Can my paid tuition and deposit fees be transferred to the 2021 Summer Programs?
Unfortunately, due to several factors and complications in doing so, CM7 will not be able to transfer tuition fees to the 2021 Summer programs.
Can our kid(s) be guaranteed a spot for the 2021 Summer programs?
Regretfully, due to several factors and complications in doing so, CM7 will not be able to grant this request. Registration 2021 will resume utilizing the same process we use every year in January 2021. Announcements on the dates for 2021 will be made after our M7DF Annual October meeting this fall.
What about our KODA 16 year-old camper(s) who will be 17 next year? Will CM7 consider extending the age group to age 17 for the KODA camp program in 2021, for those who couldn’t come to this summer’s camp?
The M7DF board and CM7 staff will take this into consideration and put this on the agenda for our M7DF Annual October meeting this fall.
Will CM7 be available for retreats in the fall?
As of now, yes, but that is subject to change depending on the COVID-19 situation.
Will there be a virtual camp of some version, which allows campers to meet online for the duration of the summer programs?
The M7DF board is currently looking into that option to determine if we can have online workshops for anyone who would be interested in joining for a small fee. Announcements will be made at a later date.